
Photo by Julia Larson

-“I am disciplined” Unknown

Building a solid schedule is as important as having a structure because the more we plan, the less we have to actively anticipate what might happen.  The military always emphasized planning is the key to victory which in-turn, helped me have a greater sense of self-efficacy or confidence in my ability to handle whatever might come up.

When I have a regular routine, I know what to expect at work, and that gives me a sense of peace and control, making it easier to keep stress at managed better.  If I know in advance that I have a difficult item to cross off my to-do list, I tackle it first thing in the morning to avoid that sense of dread.  Plus, I know I’ll feel accomplished and ready to conquer whatever else comes my way.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Taking care of myself mindfully is one thing, but my body is also another.  Having a routine for myself is good for my circadian rhythm, which is effectively my internal body clock that can dictate things like when I feel tired or energized and can really impact my ability to focus.  For example, I know my energy and concentration dips around 3 p.m.  So, in my routine around that time, I usually have a workout scheduled that gives me some time away to re-energize.

A common complaint from small business owners is that there are never enough hours in the day.  Usually when exploring into this issue, the problem is not a lack of time but a lack of a schedule.  A schedule allows a person to plan, to anticipate, and helps keep life organized.  I recommend that all activities go onto a schedule, even play time!

Prioritizing my time is a reason “self-care” and has become such a buzzword.  I think in society, we’ve come to realize just how crucial it is to carve out time for ourselves to keep a healthy mental state.  Looking after myself is key to keeping my stress under control.

Prioritizing “me time” is really important because it is so easy to get caught up in what I’m doing, to which I can really forget about myself and who I am; where I need to separate my business.  Taking time for myself, or using it to go out with friends and family, is often what re-affirms my belief in what I’m doing. It’s really important to not lose myself within my business, because that, in the worst case scenario, then can lead to my business itself losing its way.  As a small business owner, it’s all too easy to fall into the trap of always being on the clock.  Just as I schedule time for certain tasks I need to get done, I make sure to schedule free time for myself.  I teach clients to see their downtime as beneficial to creativity and efficiency because I tend to work better after taking a break.  Taking a break allows my brain to take in new information and to generate creativity.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Learning to say ‘no’ is important when I’m starting out.  I may not have the luxury of opportunities flying at me, so I say yes to everything.  I know eventually I’ll focus on my mission and ask myself, “Will this help me get there?” before deciding yes or no.

Of course, I know saying no can be really tough.  But it’s important to remember my value and that I have limited time.  Instead of thinking I may offend the other person, it’s an opportunity to show them that when I decide to do something, I really value what I’m doing and that I’m doing it on my own terms.  Otherwise, taking on more than I can handle is the fastest way to fall into a stress trap.  It’s important to learn that setting boundaries is necessary to safeguard small business owners’ well-being, their time, and to protect their business.  When approached with a request, the small business owner should ask themselves the following:

  1. Is this something I want to do?
  2. Do I have time to do it?
  3. What is its importance level, and will it fit it into my schedule?

Saying no is also key to setting boundaries.  When I don’t set boundaries, I’ve realized that I end up feeling taken advantage of, burned out, stressed out, and end up as people pleasers, workaholics, isolated, or feeling misunderstood.  Simply stated: Boundaries are one of the best things you can do for your physical and mental health and wellness.

Author: raymondp2

Rimando (Ray) Poyaoan is an engineer, and entrepreneur who is aspiring to own his own engineering HVAC business. As an engineer, I have always wanted to help people and improve people’s lives in some way. My experiences in the military has developed me to have a sense of duty and responsibility. I look to use these same principles in my business. Enhancing lives through products and services that improve energy, efficiency, and comfort, while providing a healthy and safe environment in which we live. Balancing the needs of the people/customers as guided by personal values, which are: Integrity: Respect others. Do what is right. Innovation: Overcome challenges creatively. Memorable Experiences: Exceed expectations. Development: Invest in personal and professional growth. Unity: Teamwork is the source of our strength. These are more than just phrases to me. These core values will help guide on decisions made every day on how we treat people, service and serve communities to work in.

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